To copy an installation, you must either:
Select the Copy option from the Installations menu in the Installation program manager.
Select the Copy option from the context-sensitive menu in the Installation program manager.
Data entry
Name of the installation to be created.
This name must be a valid installation name (as defined by IBM), and unique within the environment.
Length: 15 characters maximum.
Mandatory entry.
Default: Name of the installation selected for copying.
Description clearly identifying the installation.
Length: 50 characters maximum.
Mandatory entry.
Product name
Extended installation name used in the installation and upgrade program.
This name need not be unique – it can be useful to have two copies of an installation: one in installation mode and another in update mode.
Length: 50 characters maximum.
Mandatory entry.
Provider (Mobile only)
Application provider name, used in the installation program and update program for Mobile programs.
This information is only displayed for "Adelia Mobile Studio" type installations.
This description must be no more than 50 characters long.
Mandatory field.
Version level of the installation.
Length: 10 characters maximum.
Mandatory entry.
Program type to be created for the installation.
Possible values:
"Full" |
Full installation program. |
"Update" |
Update program. |
Copy (validation)
This button validates the modifications made and closes the dialog box.
The installation created by copying another one will appear in the Installation program manager's installation list.
Closes the dialog box without copying the installation.
Keyboard shortcut: Esc.
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