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The details below are displayed when the selection of data to be transferred concerns IXF data files, in the Data copy tool.


General input parameters

This panel is displayed when the data source is a set of IXF files.


Data entry


Directory containing the data files.

Enter the full path or click the "..." button to display a Windows system dialog box that lets you select a directory.

Mandatory entry.


LOB files

Directory containing the LOB files linked to the data files.

Enter the full path or click the "..." button to display a Windows system dialog box that lets you select a directory.

If this field is left blank, the LOB files will be stored in the same directory as the data files.



Display filter for the files (in the 'file system' sense).

Default: " *.ixf ".




These buttons open a Windows system box that lets you select a directory.


General output parameters

This panel is displayed when the data's destination is a set of IXF files.


Data entry


Directory in which the data files are to be produced.

Enter the full path or click the "..." button to display a Windows system dialog box that lets you select a directory.

Mandatory entry.


LOB files

Directory in which the LOB files for the data files must be created.

Enter the full path or click the "..." button to display a Windows system dialog box that lets you select a directory.

If this field is left blank, the LOB files will be stored in the same directory as the data files.


Note: We recommend leaving this field blank, unless you have a specific requirement.


Check boxes

DB2 2.x and 5.x compatible files


Files will be produced in a format compatible with the import/export tools used in DB2 versions earlier than V6.1.

Default: Checked.


Important: If this box is not checked, the files produced will not be compatible with DB2 versions earlier than V6.1 (DB2's IMPORT command will not function). However, you will still be able to use this tool to import these files.




These buttons open a Windows system box that lets you select a directory.

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