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The details below are displayed when the selection of data to be transferred concerns an SQL database, in the Data copy tool.


General input parameters

This panel is displayed when data is read from a PC-based SQL base.


Data entry


Owner schema for the tables to be exported.

Optional entry.



Table name display filter.

Default: "*".


Check boxes

Allow lowercase/uppercase (in SQL names)

Allows to deactivate the uppercase input control on the schema's name.


Object input parameters

This panel is displayed when you select an object and the following conditions are met:

  • the data source is an SQL database,

  • the data source is configured for a "table" transfer.


Data entry

Select clause

WHERE clause in the SQL query that produces the data.

The extract query is constructed as follows: 'r;select * from <schema>.<table> where <clause>'.

Optional entry.




This button checks the syntax of the generated query.


General output parameters

This panel is displayed when the data is inserted into a PC-based SQL database.



Insertion mode

Data insertion mode.

Possible values:


The data is added to the table.


The data replaces those already in the table.


The data is updated or added, based on the table's primary key. If the table does not have a key, or if the key contains all the columns, the data is added.


The table is destroyed and recreated.


Note: The Recreate option does not recreate the table's indices or constraints. This feature should only be used as a means of creating a table in a database where it does not already exist.


Data entry


Table owner schema.

Optional entry.


Commit interval

Interval between two commit points in the destination base.

This interval is based on an estimation of the size (in Kb) of data inserted into the base.

Entering zero will cause the tool to run in auto commit mode, i.e. every line will be committed.

Default: "1000".


Check boxes

Allow lowercase/uppercase in SQL names

Allows to deactivate the uppercase input control on the schema's name.

In output mode, it also lets you deactivate the control on destination objects' names.


Object output parameters

This panel is displayed when you select an object if the data's destination is an SQL database.


Data entry

Delete clause

WHERE clause in an SQL query that deletes data from the destination table.

This clause is taken into consideration if the data insertion mode is set to "REPLACE".

The delete query is then constructed as follows: 'delete from <schema>.<table> where <clause>'.

Optional entry.




Data insertion mode.

Possible values:


Uses the insertion mode specified in the general parameters.


The data is added to the table.


The data replaces those already in the table.


The data is updated or added, based on the table's primary key. If the table does not have a key, or if the key contains all the columns, the data is added.


The table is destroyed and recreated.

Default value: "Default".

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