This dialog box lets you restrict:
The list of programs from which the constants will be exported,
Which messages to be exported are displayed, according to the application areas to which they belong.
To display a sublist of the application areas for the programs or messages, click the Sublist or Application Areas Sublist button (respectively) in the following dialog boxes:
Application areas
List of all the application areas in the current environment, including their names and descriptions.
Multiple-selection list.
Notes: you can select all the application areas in the list by left double-clicking 'Application Areas'.
Right double-clicking 'Application Areas' deselects all the application areas in the list.
You can select an individual application area by left double-clicking on it.
You can select or deselect multiple non-consecutive application areas by pressing the Ctrl key while left-clicking on the required application areas.
Context-sensitive menus
This option selects the application area in the list.
This option deselects the application in the list.
Include (validation)
Confirms your selections and closes the dialog box.
Depending on circumstances:
The program preselection list in the Source Programs dialog box is updated according to the checked application areas.
The dialog box closes and only the messages in the selected application areas will be exported.
Note: if a filter has been set, only the programs that meet the filter criterion will be displayed in the updated lists.
Closes the dialog box without validating your selections.
Keyboard shortcut: Esc.
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