To display, create or modify the characteristics of a hidden field in a subfile format, click the corresponding button of one of the following dialog boxes: Hidden fields of a transaction. Hidden fields of a transaction template. Name of the hidden field. This name must be a valid field name (as defined by IBM). Length: 15 characters maximum. Mandatory entry. Description clearly identifying the hidden field. Length: 50 characters maximum. Short name of the hidden field. This name must be a valid short name (as defined by IBM), unique among the short names of hidden fields. Length: 10 characters maximum. Mandatory entry. Length of the hidden field. This length must comply with the IBM standards. Mandatory entry. Number of decimal positions of the hidden field (from 0 to 9). If no number is entered, the variable is alphanumeric; otherwise, it is numeric. Optional entry. Name of the origin logical entity, specified if the field has a logical origin. Description of the origin logical entity. Name of the origin logical property, specified if the field has a logical origin. Description of the origin logical property. This button opens a dialog box which is used to define the logical origin of the hidden field. This button is used to delete the logical origin of the hidden field. This button is only active if the field has a logical origin. The Enter button (in display mode) closes the dialog box. The Create button (in creation mode) or the Modify button (in modification mode) validates the dialog box. The various fields of the dialog box are verified. If all are valid, the hidden field definition is updated in the database before the box is closed; otherwise, an error message is displayed. This button closes the dialog box without validating the choices made. Keyboard shortcut: Esc. Data entry
Short name
Displayed data
Logical origin
Entity name
Property name
Define / Modify logical origin
Cut logical origin
Enter/Create/Modify (validation)
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