To create or change a translation language for the current environment, select the corresponding option from the Languages menu in the Translation manager.
Notes: You can create up to twenty translation languages per environment. The list of languages created is displayed in the Languages menu. The current language is checked.
At least one translation language must be created before you can open the Translation manager's Translations, Help topics and Messages tabs.
Data entry
Translation language name.
This name must be unique within the environment.
Length: 15 characters maximum.
Mandatory entry in creation mode.
The field is protected in modification mode.
Description clearly identifying the translation language.
Length: 50 characters maximum.
Mandatory entry in creation mode.
Adelia (AS/400)
Associated libraries
This list has two columns (Application area and Library). It lets you specify, for each application area in the repository, the names of the libraries in which the Adelia programs' translated DSPF and PRTF objects will be stored.
To define a library, click by the selected application area in the Library column and enter the name of the associated library.
This name must be a valid library name (as defined by IBM).
It is automatically entered in upper-case characters.
Mandatory entry for the generation of Adelia programs.
Visual Adelia (Windows client)
Associated language
This list lets you select the Windows language associated with the translation language for the purposes of generating Visual Adelia applications.
Mandatory entry if the language is to be maintained.
Note: Two maintained languages cannot be associated with the same Windows language.
Adelia Web / Cloud
Associated language
This list lets you select the language associated with the translation language for the purposes of generating Adelia Web or Adelia Cloud applications.
Optional entry if the language is to be maintained.
Associated country
This list lets you select the country code associated with the translation language for the purposes of generating Adelia Web applications.
Optional entry if the language is to be maintained.
Check boxes
This option lets you specify whether, when a multilingual program is generated, the generated program's resources must contain the translations of the constants in this language.
Create (validation)
Validates the dialog box: the various details in the box are verified. If all are valid, the translation language is created and the dialog box closed; if not, an error message is displayed.
The Languages menu in the main window is updated: the newly-created translation language will be checked as being the Translation manager's current language.
Closes the dialog box without validating the choices made.
Keyboard shortcut: Esc.
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