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To display this page, click the Error message interface tab in the Visual/Web Runtime Execution parameters dialog box.


The mode and onscreen appearance of error messages (ERRORS, ANOMALIES and WARNINGS) in Visual Adelia programs are determined by the settings configured in this tab.


Messages can be displayed in one of two modes:

  •  Dialog mode: this is the default mode. The error message is shown in a graphic list in the [Error(s)] non-modal dialog box.
  •  Integrated mode: this mode can be enabled instead of the default mode for the selected graphical objects. In integrated mode, the error message is displayed in a tooltip near the control subject to an error. In addition, the control is shown with a border, the color of which indicates the type of error. For an even clearer representation of the nature of the error, it is possible to display an image near the affected control.

See also Error message display management for Visual Adelia programs.


Dialog mode






Selecting an error message in the dialog box sets the focus to the control subject to an error and activates the window containing that control.



Selecting an error message in the dialog box highlights the control subject to an error by placing a blinking frame around it. The error message dialog box remains the active window.


Integrated mode




Entry field

Yes | No

Yes: Errors relating to this graphical object are displayed in the window.

No: Errors relating to this graphical object are displayed in the standard dialog box.

Output field

Yes | No

Yes: Errors relating to this graphical object are displayed in the window.

No: Errors relating to this graphical object are displayed in the standard dialog box.

Check box

Yes | No

Yes: Errors relating to this graphical object are displayed in the window.

No: Errors relating to this graphical object are displayed in the standard dialog box.

Radio button

Yes | No

Yes: Errors relating to this graphical object are displayed in the window.

No: Errors relating to this graphical object are displayed in the standard dialog box.

Combo box

Yes | No

Yes: Errors relating to this graphical object are displayed in the window.

No: Errors relating to this graphical object are displayed in the standard dialog box.

Push button

Yes | No

Yes: Errors relating to this graphical object are displayed in the window.

No: Errors relating to this graphical object are displayed in the standard dialog box.


Yes | No

Yes: Errors relating to this graphical object are displayed in the window.

No: Errors relating to this graphical object are displayed in the standard dialog box.

Track bar

Yes | No

Yes: Errors relating to this graphical object are displayed in the window.

No: Errors relating to this graphical object are displayed in the standard dialog box.


Yes | No

Yes: Errors relating to this graphical object are displayed in the window.

No: Errors relating to this graphical object are displayed in the standard dialog box.

Tree list

Yes | No

Yes: Errors relating to this graphical object are displayed in the window.

No: Errors relating to this graphical object are displayed in the standard dialog box.


Yes | No

Yes: Errors relating to this graphical object are displayed in the window.

No: Errors relating to this graphical object are displayed in the standard dialog box.


Yes | No

Yes: Errors relating to this graphical object are displayed in the window.

No: Errors relating to this graphical object are displayed in the standard dialog box.


Yes | No

Yes: Errors relating to this graphical object are displayed in the window.

No: Errors relating to this graphical object are displayed in the standard dialog box.


Yes | No

Yes: Errors relating to this graphical object are displayed in the window.

No: Errors relating to this graphical object are displayed in the standard dialog box.


Yes | No

Yes: Errors relating to this graphical object are displayed in the window.

No: Errors relating to this graphical object are displayed in the standard dialog box.

Line chart

Yes | No

Yes: Errors relating to this graphical object are displayed in the window.

No: Errors relating to this graphical object are displayed in the standard dialog box.


Yes | No

Yes: Errors relating to this graphical object are displayed in the window.

No: Errors relating to this graphical object are displayed in the standard dialog box.

Progress bar

Yes | No

Yes: Errors relating to this graphical object are displayed in the window.

No: Errors relating to this graphical object are displayed in the standard dialog box.


Yes | No

Yes: Errors relating to this graphical object are displayed in the window.

No: Errors relating to this graphical object are displayed in the standard dialog box.






Blinking time duration (ms)


This property determines the period (in milliseconds) during which a blinking frame (i.e. [Border] highlighting) blinks.

Number of blinking periods


This property determines the number of periods during which a blinking frame (i.e. [Border] highlighting) blinks.

Thickness (pxls)


Thickness in pixels of the line used to draw the frame.

Spacing (pxls)


Space (in pixels) between the frame and the control subject to an error.


Solid          : _________

Dash          : ------------

Dot            : ...............

DashDot     : -.-.-.-.-.

DashDotDot: -..-..-..-..

Line type used to draw the frame.

Join entity



Type of join used for the frame.

Color: ERROR

RGB [color]

Frame color for an ERROR message.


RGB [color]

Frame color for an ANOMALY message.


RGB [color]

Frame color for a WARNING message.






Text color

(RGB or system) color

System color or specific color used to display text.

Background color

(RGB or system) color

System color or specific color used to display the background.

Use system font

Yes | No

Specifies whether or not to use the system font to display text.


Font name

Specific font used to display text.

Horizontal position





Horizontal position relative to the control subject to an error when triggered automatically upon gaining the focus.

Vertical position





Vertical position relative to the control subject to an error when triggered automatically upon gaining the focus.

Display level 2 by default

Yes | No

Displays the error message's level 2 description by default.

Paragraph alignment

Yes | No

Aligns the first lines in the level 1 and level 2 descriptions.

Maximum size (characters)


Maximum width, expressed as a number of characters.

A value of 0 indicates that there is no set limit.

Horizontal inside margin (pxls)


Horizontal interior margin (in pixels).

Vertical inside margin (pxls)


Vertical interior margin (in pixels).






Bitmap displayed

Yes | No

Specifies whether or not to display an image near a control subject to an error.

bitmap: ERROR

Image selection

Image associated with an ERROR message.

bitmap: ANOMALY

Image selection

Image associated with an ANOMALY message.

bitmap: WARNING

Image selection

Image associated with a WARNING message.

Horizontal position



Horizontal position of the image relative to the control subject to an error.

Vertical position




Vertical position of the image relative to the control subject to an error.


Input control in integrated mode




Error trigger

On value change | On kill focus | Never

Trigger mode for input control in integrated mode

The object is outlined in red and an image (exclamation mark) appears to the right of it. Hovering the mouse over the image displays the error description in a tooltip.

Input control in integrated mode may be carried out during input, kill focus or never.

Remember: In all cases, input control via the error message box continues to be carried out when the object value is retrieved (if the object has no associated variable) and upon the VERIFY instruction.


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