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To define the parameters, select the Execution parameters option from the Visual - Web runtime subfolder in the Adelia Studio folder. Parameters can also be accessed via the application launcher provided with the runtime, or via the list of shortcuts associated with the Adelia icons in the task bar.

This option opens the Visual Adelia interface configurator, which lets you work with:

  • the print parameters for batch programs,
  • the language parameters for batch and interactive programs generated in C,
  • the parameter control for program and external function calls,
  • display settings for Adelia error message [ERROR, ANOMALY, WARNING].

Important: This concerns VADELIA programs only.

The configurator updates the WICFVA.INI file (reports of Adelia kind) or the WICFGVCR.INI file (reports of Crystal Reports kind) or the WICFVLA.ini file (language, parameter control, error message interface) or the PROFILER.CFG file (Adelia Profiler). When the programs are run, this file must be located in the current directory or in the PATH system variable. In fact, when run, programs generated in C use the data in the configuration files in its current directory. If these files cannot be located, the contents of the system variable will be examined.

This file is defined in the Adelia installation directory.

The Interface configurator's parameters are shown on six pages:

To change either of these pages, just click the relevant tab.

Note: A dynamic setup technique is used for the configuration operations described in this section; this means you do not have to regenerate programs to have the new setup taken into account. The system loads the parameters specified in the interface configurator when it enters the application.

The buttons described below are valid for the whole dialog box, whichever page is active.



This button validates the modifications made and closes the dialog box.


This button closes the dialog box without validating the modifications made.

Keyboard shortcut: Esc.


This button validates the modifications made and applies the new parameters immediately.

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