To specify the generation parameters for an Adelia batch program, you must either:
Click the Generate button in the Programs tab of the Object manager, provided that the Source and Parameters check boxes of this dialog box were previously checked.
Click the Generate button of the Work with a batch program dialog box, provided that the Source check box was previously checked.
Select the Generate with parameters suboption from the Submit generation option in the context-sensitive menu of the Maintenance manager's Results and Storage tabs.
Select the Generate with parameters suboption from the Submit generation option in the context-sensitive menu of the Multisource search's Results and Storage tabs.
Select the Generate option (then select RPG or C Windows) from the Program menu in the 4GL Editor, or the corresponding icon in the toolbar, for an Adelia batch program.
The dialog box displayed varies according to the generated source code: RPG or C (provided the user owns the appropriate license):
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