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The clipboard functions Cut, Copy and Paste will only be available with WINDOW, PROCEDURE and BREAK type blocks.


There are a number of ways to use these functions:



You should note that these functions can be used:

  • within the same document,
  • between documents in the same application area,
  • between documents in different application areas,
  • between documents in different application areas (i.e. different sessions of the 4GL Editor), provided the type of block placed in the clipboard is compatible with the document type in which you want to paste it.


However, when copying between different application areas or environments, any objects with a logical origin or that were created from a personalized graphical object will be unable to have a logical origin, or be pasted, respectively.


When using Paste, some blocks (WINDOW, OBJECT, BREAK or PROCEDURE) may be renamed automatically to make them unique within the document.

In a given document:

  • each procedure's name must be different from that of any other procedures,
  • each break's name must be different from that of any other breaks,
  • each window's name must be different from that of any other windows and the objects in them,
  • each object's name must be different from that of any other objects in the same window.

Note: When a unique name is generated, we recommend checking the source, as these new names are not propagated to window calls, procedure calls, break calls, manipulations of properties of graphical objects (e.g.: window.object:property). To do this, you must use the Replace option in the Edit menu.

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