This menu is used to perform a number of manipulations that affect the text in the document in the active window.
This option cancels the most recent action performed. The name of the last action performed will be shown after the option.
Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+Z.
This option restores the last cancelled action. The name of the last action cancelled will be shown after the option.
Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+Y.
This option deletes the current selection from the document in the active window and copies it to the clipboard. The selection can be either text in the source view or a block in a tree view.
Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+X.
This option copies the current selection from the document in the active window to the clipboard. The selection can be either text in the source view or a block in a tree view.
Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+C.
This option pastes the information that has been placed in the clipboard using the Cut and Copy options into the document in the active window, at the cursor's current position.
Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+V.
Paste the code
This option pastes information from the clipboard (using Cut and Paste options) into the document in the active window, at the cursor position. If automatic case is enabled, the code is automatically put into upper case.
Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+V.
This option deletes the current selection from the document in the active window. The selection can be either text in the source view or a block in a tree view.
Keyboard shortcut: Del.
Delete useless blocks
This option lets you delete any blocks marked as being useless (indicated by a red cross superimposed over the block's icon).
This option is only available with WADELIA programs.
Note: Blocks are treated as useless if they refer to objects that no longer exist in the HTML page.
Select all
This option selects all the text in the source view in the active window.
With documents that are set out in line form (interactive and batch ADELIA programs, macro-instructions, program templates & text), the entire text will be selected.
With documents that are set out with a tree structure (interactive and batch VADELIA program, SADELIA programs & Adelia, common and Visual Adelia management rules), only the text in expanded blocks will be selected.
Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+A.
Go to start / end of block
This option positions the cursor at the start or end of a block.
The notion of "block" can take on several meanings according to the current cursor position.
- Block of source code in a tree-structured source
- Start or end of an instruction block (IF / END, DO_WHILE / REDO, etc.)
- Start or end of a text constant, search for associated bracket, etc.
Keyboard shortcut: Ctr+^.
Highlight instruction blocks
This option highlights or cancels the highlighting of a current instruction block. The cursor must be positioned on a source line containing an instruction delimiting a block (e.g. IF ... ELSE ... END).
Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+B.
Highlight occurrences of the word
This submenu displays the options for highlighting occurrences of a word in the source code and creates quick access bookmarks in the bookmarks bar.
Style 1
Enables or disables highlighting of occurrences of a word with style 1 background color.
Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+Alt+1.
Style 2
Enables or disables highlighting of occurrences of a word with style 2 background color.
Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+Alt+2.
Style 3
Enables or disables highlighting of occurrences of a word with style 3 background color.
Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+Alt+3.
Style 4
Enables or disables highlighting of occurrences of a word with style 4 background color.
Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+Alt+4.
Clear all
Deletes all search bookmarks for occurrences of a word.
Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+Alt+X.
This sub-menu displays user bookmarks management-related options.
Insert/Remove bookmark
Add or removes a bookmark from the source code of the program being edited, on the cursor's current line.
Keyboard shortcut: Ctr+F7.
Next bookmark
Lets you move to the next bookmark.
Keyboard shortcut: F7.
Previous bookmark
Lets you move to the previous bookmark.
Keyboard shortcut: Shift+F7.
Delete bookmarks from document
Deletes all bookmarks defined in the current document.
Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+F7.
Delete bookmarks from all open documents
Deletes all bookmarks defined in all documents.
Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+Alt+F7.
Delete all bookmarks
Deletes all bookmarks defined by the user in the current application area.
Keyboard shortcut: Alt+Shift+F7.
Go to line
This option opens a system dialog box so you can enter the line number to go to in the source.
Move back through the position history and source.
Keyboard shortcut: Alt+LeftArrow.
Move forward through the position history and source.
Keyboard shortcut: Alt+RightArrow.
Clear the history
Clear the position history.
Place in a tab
Used to place the document in the active part of the tab bar.
Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+Alt+ Left.
Place on the left
Used to place the document in the left-hand part of the tab bar.
Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+Alt +Left.
Place on the right
Used to place the document in the right-hand part of the tab bar.
Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+Alt+ Right.
Free positioning
Used to return the document to its default display (floating window).
Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+Alt+ Down.
This option opens a Windows system dialog box that lets you search for a character string in the document in the active window.
Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+F.
Search next
This option searches the document in the active window for the next occurrence of either:
the text selected in the document,
the text in the last search performed, if no text has been selected.
Keyboard shortcut: F3.
Search previous
This option searches in the document in the active window for the previous occurrence of either:
- the text selected in the document,
- the text in the last search performed, if no text has been selected.
Keyboard shortcut: Shift+F3.
This option opens a Windows system dialog box that lets you search for a character string in the document in the active window and replace it with another string.
Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+H.
Find modified lines
This option opens a dialog box enabling you to search for document lines based on maintenance information (name of the designer who modified the line, modification date).
Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+L.
Next search bookmark
This option takes you to the next search bookmark (highlighted block of lines).
Keyboard shortcut: F6.
Previous search bookmark
This option takes you to the previous search bookmark (highlighted block of lines).
Keyboard shortcut: Shift+F6.
Delete search bookmarks.
This option is used to delete search bookmarks.
Keyboard shortcut: Alt+Del.
Following error
This option lets you move on to the next error in the Verification / Generation report.
This option is only available with ADELIA programs.
Keyboard shortcut: F8.
Previous error
This option lets you move to the previous error in the Verification / Generation report.
This option is only available with ADELIA programs.
Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+F8.
The clipboard options in this menu can also be accessed using:
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