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This menu is used to open, close, save and print documents (Adelia sources or text files).

You can also use it to find a specific character string in the documents in the current application area or the repository.


This option opens a dialog box that lets you open a source file.

Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+O.

Open text

This option opens a Windows system dialog box that lets you open a text file.

New text

This option opens a Windows system dialog box that lets you create a new text document.


This option closes the document in the active window. If the document has been modified, a message will appear, asking whether you want to save these changes before closing it.

Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+F4.


This option saves the document in the active window.

    • If the document is an Adelia source of any type, the save procedure will overwrite the last version. The same will be true if the document is an existing text file.

    • If the document is a new text file, this option will open a Windows system dialog box that lets you record the text file with a new name.

Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+S.

Save as

This option is only available with text documents. It opens a Windows system dialog box that lets you save the text file with a new name.

Multisource search

This option opens a dialog box that lets you search for a character string in a number of different source types, simultaneously.

Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+S.

Printer setup

This option opens a Windows system dialog box that lets you select and configure the printer.


This option prints the document in the active window. The print procedure is interactive.

Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+P.


This option closes all windows and exits the 4GL Editor. If any documents have been modified since they were last saved, a message will appear, asking whether you want to save these changes before closing them.

Keyboard shortcut: Alt+F4.

Recent document list

This list shows the names of the most recently opened documents:

    • document in the active window (first document in the list),

    • documents in inactive windows,

    • documents that have been opened then closed again.

The list can show up to nine documents.

If you click on the name of a document, its window will be activated (if it is already open), or re-opened (if it is no longer open).

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