This method can be used to insert only certain pages of the folder, and works in any word processing software application with Windows metafile import capabilities.
The procedure described below applies to Word 97® for Windows.
One metafile is created for every page in the documentation folder.
To use this method, one of the three following options must be selected in the "Destination format" field of the Print - General tab of the Create/Modify a folder dialog box.
Word Windows (*.WMF format).
Windows metafile (*.WMF format).
Lotus Word Pro Windows (*.WMF).
The procedure in Word 97® for Windows is described below:
1. Open Word® for Windows.
2. Open a Word document and position the cursor where you want to insert the folder page.
Note: Use the Page Setup option from the File menu ("Margins" tab) in order to define margins adapted to the size of the picture to be inserted. Otherwise, the picture may be scaled down in order to fit it in the Word document.
3. Choose the Picture option from the Insert menu (From file sub-option), and select the metafile that you want to insert.
Note: If the inserted picture does not fit vertically, choose the Paragraph option from the Format menu ("Indents and Spacing" tab), and select "Single" in the "Line spacing" field.
4. You can display or resize the picture inserted using the Object option from the Format menu ("Picture" or "Size" tab).
You can thus adjust the size of the picture to the real drawing.
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