This page is used to define the general printing characteristics applied when the documentation folder is printed.
Radio buttons
Defines the orientation of the folder's contents on the printed page: portrait or landscape.
Specifies the size of paper used for printing.
Destination format
Defines the documentation's final output mode.
Values available:
The documentation is sent directly to the default printer specified for Adelia Studio (Printer setup option from the Folders menu). |
Word Windows |
The documentation is not printed. Instead, it is stored in several Windows metafiles (*.WMF format): one metafile per documentation page. Adelia then defines a Word® for Windows (Version 6.0 or more) macro that the user can insert in a Word document in order to import the produced documentation in one single operation. |
Note: The Word® keywords used to define the macro are the keywords used for an English version of the Word® product. If you use Word® in another language, you must modify the WINWORD.MAC file from the ADELIWS directory, and replace the English keywords with keywords in the appropriate language. |
Lotus Word Pro Windows |
The documentation is not printed. Instead, it is stored in several Windows metafiles (*.WMF format): one metafile per documentation page. Adelia then creates an ASCII Lotus Script file (*.LSS format) containing a script that the user can run in a Lotus Word Pro® for Windows document, in order to import the produced documentation in one single operation. |
Windows metafile |
The documentation is not printed. Instead, it is stored in several Windows metafiles (*.WMF format): one metafile per documentation page. The user can then insert each metafile in his word processor (provided it handles Windows metafile importing). |
Note: When defining a folder which will be integrated in a word processor document, avoid defining the page headers and footers using the Print page's Positions tab in the Create/Modify a folder dialog box.It will be easier to define them in the word processor document.
Page skip
Defines automatic page breaks at precise levels in the documentation.
Values available:
None |
No particular page break is defined. |
Between chapters |
A page break is inserted before each new chapter on the same or a higher level. Example: 1) Chapter 1 1.1) Chapter 1.1 ________________ 1.2) Chapter 1.2 ________________ 2) Chapter 2 |
Between objects |
In addition to page breaks between chapters, a page break is inserted for each new object described. |
Between object details |
In addition to page breaks between chapters and between objects, a page break is inserted for each new object detail item described. Example: page break between the 4GL source and the transaction design. |
Data entry
Saving directory
Directory containing the metafiles produced by the non-printing output options.
The name of each metafile is automatically assigned by the system. This name is comprised of 8 figures so that it remains unique.
Example: C:\DOC\14700001.WMF
Check boxes
Table of contents
Checked |
Generates a table of contents for the documentation. |
System information
Checked |
Prints the system data for each object in the folder (owner, visibility, date and time of creation or last modification), in addition to the characteristics. |
This button cancels the modifications made and restores the application to its previous state.
This button cancels the modifications made and restores the application to the state it had when the environment was created.
A click on the icon
situated on the upper right-hand corner of the dialog box closes the box. If modifications were made, a confirmation screen appears.
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