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The SONAR Adelia plugin requires SONAR 2.12 or later.


  • The current version of the SONAR plugin is compatible with SONAR 6.7 to 10.x.
    As the latest versions of SONAR can no longer be used to process Adelia quality data, the SONAR plugin is now associated with a Maven plugin to execute the Adelia quality manager (adelqual-maven-plugin).
    These plugins require 32-bit or 64-bit JRE 8 or later (which means that SONAR must be started up with JRE 8 even for JRE 7-compatible versions).

  • NB: Earlier versions of the plugin (1.x and 2.x for SONAR 2.12 to 6.7) are no longer supplied but remain compatible with Adelia Studio 14. Its prerequisites and operating mode are identical to version 1.2, and this version of the plugin is compatible with SONAR 5.2 to 6.x (and up to 7.2 inclusive in theory but this has not been tested).

Pre-installation steps

With the current versions of SONAR, the definition of quality rules and the default rule profile are only updated during initial plugin installation. In addition, the rules are created in the default language (English).

When installing for the first time, the environment variables can be defined to define the default configuration. This operation must be completed before installing the plugin for the first time.
The variables are as follows:

NameDescriptionDefault value
ADELIA_SONAR_PLUGIN_LOCALEDefault rule profile locale - French (fr) or English (en)en
ADELIA_SONAR_PLUGIN_EXTENSION_FOLDERBase directory containing the user plugin description files

C:\AdeliaPlugins on Windows platform.

$(HOME)/AdeliaPlugins on Unix/Linux systems, $(HOME) referencing the home directory of the Sonar startup profile.

If you use user plugins, the extension directory and the plugin description files must be created before being installed in Sonar.

Installing the plugin

To install the plugin onto the SONAR platform, simply copy the "adeliasonarplugin-xxx.jar" file to the "quality" sub-directory of the Adelia installation, to the "extensions\plugin" sub-directory of the SONAR installation, then restart SONAR.

In the case of a migration, make sure that you only have one version of the plugin in this directory.

You can check that the plugin has been correctly installed by opening the SONAR configuration page: the main page (configuration profiles) should reference an "Adelia Profile" or "Profil Adelia"-type "Adelia" profile, depending on the browser language.

The Adelia SONAR plugin conforms to the SONAR "sonar.adelia.locale" parameter ("Adelia" tab in general settings) when generating error messages associated with violations. The messages are generated in English by default. To obtain messages in French, you will need to configure this parameter accordingly. 

Updating user plugins

After installation, you can change the display language for the Adelia plugin rules and metrics or force the update of user plugins (taking new rules into account) as follows:

  • If the aim is to change the rule profile language, modify the locale parameter (sonar.adelia.locale) in the Sonar configuration (Administration / Configuration / Adelia Sonar Plugin).
  • Delete the plugin file from the Sonar extension directory (extensions\plugin).
  • Restart Sonar.
  • Reinstall the plugin file in the Sonar extension directory.
  • Restart Sonar again.

Note: no configuration or project data or data relating to customized profiles is lost in this operation.

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