The Adelia Studio license server is a Windows service that verifies the product's licenses and checks concurrent accesses to Adelia environments. This service (named "Adelia - License Manager"), which manages the Adelia key (USB or parallel dongle) is normally installed on the database server that hosts the environments.
There are two possible reasons for configuring Adelia to install the license server on a different machine than the database server:
If it is not physically possible to connect the dongle to the server (if the server has no USB or parallel port);
If the database server is not a Windows machine (in very special circumstances only, and not officially supported).
In such cases, Adelia Studio lets you configure environments so that license server management is delocalized. In version 10 and earlier versions, this was achieved by specifying a license server on the client machine via the "AUTHENT_SERVER" key in the ADELIWS.INI file. This approach had several drawbacks (including an inability to work with different servers, an inability to check that two clients using a particular environment were using the same license server, and a risk of the environment being corrupted).
With effect from V11, this information is saved at environment level in a dedicated table. This means that all Adelia clients in a particular environment use the same license server.
The default value (saved when a new environment is created or when a V10 or older environment is updated) is contained in the "AUTHENT_SERVER" key in the ADELIWS.INI file on the server, or on the computer performing the upgrade.
You can change the license server name at a later date, by entering the "adauthserv" command in a command line interface:
adauthserv <environmentName> [<serverName>|*DEFAULT]
If the server name is not specified, the command shows the current authentication server; otherwise, it changes the name of the license server used for the database. The *DEFAULT value resets the server name (using the license server installed on the database server).
It is possible to test the command's return code (errorlevel) in a batch file:
0 |
Command processed successfully. |
1 |
Bad parameters. |
2 |
An error occurred while opening the environment. |
3 |
An SQL error occurred. |
C:\>adauthserv KLBADEL
KLBADEL: *DEFAULT license server.
KLBADEL: License server changed to LICSERVER.
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