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Adelia Studio provides two license management modes: dongle (parallel or USB Smartkey) or software key.

When using a software key, an activation procedure installs a license file on the server; this license is associated with the server machine. This procedure can be performed automatically (HTTP connection to the Hardis customer area) or manually (data exchanged with technical support).


Connection to the customer area:

Software licenses can be managed automatically if the machine on which the license manager is run has an Internet connection, and if you have a connection profile for the Hardis customer area. If this is not the case, or in the event of any service problem or unavailability, you can manage your license easily with the help of Adelia's technical support. In either case, the changes are displayed, and you are prompted to confirm before applying the new license settings.

The following information is usually sent to the Hardis site:

  • license number,
  • name of the machine hosting the license server,
  • serial number of the machine hosting the license server.

The license manager does not connect to the Hardis site other than during the activation phase.


Technical notes:

  • In Windows 2000, administration rights are required on the license server when using the software license. You are advised to use the system account as the account for starting the "Adelia – License Manager" service.
  • If two license managers are started on the network with the same license key (for example, when restarting a machine whereas the license has been manually transferred to another server), the license manager will refuse incoming connections. To resolve this situation, you must either stop the conflicting license manager for a few minutes, or restart the "licit" license manager.
  • In the event of an error, explicit messages are recorded in the "Applications" section of the Windows events log, enabling you to identify the name of the machine that caused the conflict, for example.





To access the license manager, click on the Connect button in the server selection dialog box.


This window contains a menu bar and four sections: passwords, authorized licenses, assignment of licenses to users, licenses being used.


Menu bar

The menu bar contains:



Available in the Edit menu, this option updates the license information and the list of licenses being used.

Keyboard shortcut: F5.




This panel lets you specify passwords to lock access to the license manager and management of connected users.


Data entry

Access manager (UsrPrf)

Password enabling you to block access to management of connected users.

This enables you to prevent access information from being deleted by any unspecified developer.


License manager (LicCnf)

Password enabling you to block access to the license manager.



Authorized licenses


This panel shows the characteristics of the license key available to you, and lets you enter a configuration code for this key.


Displayed data

The title of the panel shows the key number and the type of Adelia Studio license (Enterprise version).




The list of licenses indicates, for each licensed Adelia Studio option, the number of available licenses and of licenses being used, and the expiration date of the provisional versions.



User license assignments


This panel enables you to define the way in which licenses will be assigned.

By default, if no configuration is carried out, a user attempts to assign himself a license for each Adelia Studio option available on the key, upon connection.

It is possible to change this behavior by default, or user-by-user.



License assignment

This list lets you display the user license assignments.

You can add a user by clicking on the Profile column on the first white line in the list, by entering the user name in the input field. Checkboxes associated with the user appear in the other columns.

You can click on the checkboxes associated with the user to assign or refuse them a license. If all the boxes are unchecked, the user will not be able to connect to Adelia Studio.

You can also define a default value for all unlisted users.

The profiles listed are the Windows profile names. A license is assigned for each connected workstation (key: Windows profile * client station name * Windows session number (Terminal Server or Citrix)).



Licenses being used


This panel shows the list of licenses used, for information purposes.



Licenses being used

List of licenses being used. It is possible to refresh this list by selecting it and pressing the F5 key.

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