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This program is used to view and delete software engineer accesses (signatures) to the environments in a server machine.

This lets a software engineer re-open an application that has been locked following an interruption to the program (program crash, client machine crash, etc.).


The software engineer's access to the model is recorded for each open Adelia Studio application (CDM, Object manager, etc.). This lets you manage the access authorities to the applications and programs. For instance, the same software engineer is not authorized to open the same SSG application more than once for a given program.


These records are centered on the machine that manages the databases (the server). When an incident occurs in an application that is open on a client machine, and the application should normally be closed, the record of the access to the application will remain active on the server: everything will happen as though the software engineer was still working on the application.


The USRPRF program can be used to delete these accesses, returning the system to its usual, unlocked state.



To work with all the accesses (users connected to a server machine), you must either:

To work with the accesses defined at the environment or the buffer level, you must:

Note: In case of environment, if the user is administrator, he/she will be able to work with all the accesses defined for the environment. Otherwise, the user will work only with his/her own accesses.


The operation is performed in two steps:
  1. A dialog box is opened to let you select the server machine.
  2. A window is opened to let youwork with the profiles connected to the selected server.



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