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To work with the accesses, you must either:

Note: In case of environment, if the user is administrator, he/she will be able to work with all the accesses defined for the environment. Otherwise, the user will work only with his/her own accesses.



List of all accesses verifying the display criteria (see below). The following information is presented for each access:


Connection profile for the Windows session on the client machine in which the Adelia Studio application was launched (this is not necessarily the same as that used for connecting to the environment).

Software engineer

Name of Adelia software engineer who opened the Adelia application.


Name of client machine or Adelia Studio application.


Windows session number on the client machine (e.g. each TSE session on the same machine will have a different session number).


Database server which manages the Adelia Studio environment.


Name of Adelia Studio environment.


Database manager (e.g. DB2, Access, SQL Server, etc.).

Adelia Studio application

Description of the Adelia Studio application which needed to create the access (e.g. 4GL editor, Work manager, Object manager, etc.).

Application area

Name of the application area where the Adelia Studio application was executed. If it is executed at Repository level, this name is not entered.


Name of the object associated with the access. An access does not necessarily have an associated object but, for example, when a program is opened in a 4GL editor, the name of the program appears here.


Access creation date.

Multiple-selection list.

Clicking on the column header sorts the list into ascending or descending order. The column headers can be moved by dragging and dropping.

Display criteria

These lists are used to select a value for each criterion offered: Profile, Software engineer, Client, Session, Server and Environment. This choice of values restricts the display of accesses to those which fulfil all the entered criteria.

A new choice of values is only applied to the access display if the user requests a refresh (via the Refresh button or option in the context-sensitive menu) or during automatic refreshing if this is enabled.

The Server and Environment criteria are not modifiable when access management opening is requested from an environment or buffer.

Only the Client and Session criteria are modifiable when access management opening is requested from an environment by a user who is not an administrator.

Context-sensitive menus

Right-clicking on a selection in the access list displays a context-sensitive menu with the following options:


This option deletes the accesses selected in the list.

The software engineer can re-open the corresponding applications from his/her client machine.


This option updates the list of accesses saved on the server according to the chosen criteria.

If automatic refresh is enabled, the timer is reinitialised to the set time.

Use as criteria

This option updates the display criteria from the selected access.

The access list is therefore refreshed immediately to take into account these new display criteria. If automatic refresh is enabled, the timer is reinitialised to the set time.

This option is only available if a single access is selected.

Check boxes

Automatic refresh (in seconds)

Box checked

The list of accesses is automatically updated according to the display criteria. The time between two refreshes is defined by the adjacent entry field.

Data entry

Time between two refreshes

Number of seconds between two refreshes of the access list. This number must be between 10 and 3600.

The default time is 60 seconds.

If automatic refresh is enabled, any change to this time is immediately taken into account and the timer between two refreshes is reinitialised to the new time.

This time can also be incremented or decremented by one second using the spin buttons associated with the entry field.



This button updates the list of accesses saved on the server according to the chosen criteria.

If automatic refresh is enabled, the timer is reinitialised to the set time.

Criteria reset

This button resets the criteria modified by the user. This does not refresh the access list in order to give the user time to select new values for these criteria.

This button is not visible when access to an environment is requested by a user who is not an administrator as in this case, all the display criteria are entered and are not modifiable.

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