To display or modify the general characteristics of a Web service in the current application area, select one of the following options:
the Modify context-sensitive menu option (or the equivalent button) in the Object Manager's Web Services tab,
the Modify context-sensitive menu option in the 4GL editor's Repository - Web Services dialog box.
You can only change the Name, Description and Visibility properties.
Data input
Web service name
This name must be a valid resource name (in the IBM sense of the term), and unique within the environment.
This description must be no more than 15 characters long.
Clear description of the Web service.
This description must be no more than 250 characters long.
Data displayed
Real name
Real name of the Web service in the description file.
Target namespace (service)
Namespace used to qualify the Web service's constituent elements.
Namespace (schemas)
Namespace(s) used to qualify complex types defined by the Web service's XML schema(s).
Web service URL.
Radio buttons
Visibility of a Web service can be either public or private.
A Web service's visibility cannot be changed from public to private if the service is attached to more than one application area.
Tree list
The call mode indicated by the icon displayed in front of the operation name. An envelope icon indicates a call in "message" mode. A gear icon indicates a call in "parameter" mode.
Note that "message" mode can be used instead of "parameter" mode.
This list contains the names of the Web service's operations that can be called.
The list also shows each operation's input parameters, if any. These parameters are indicated by a green arrow.
Input parameters are defined by a basic type and a name. The basic types are:
- Alpha
- Short integer
- Integer
- Long integer
- Real
- Date
- Time
- Timestamp
- Image
- Bool
An input parameter may be subject to one or more restrictions in terms of its basic type, in which case, the parameter's name is underlined and shown in blue. Clicking on the parameter's name opens a dialog box showing the type restrictions affecting the parameter.
For a "message" call mode, the input parameter is either simple (as for "parameter" mode), or complex.
If a simple parameter is used, this latter is defined by a base type and a name.
Complex parameters are defined by a tree structure.
Each element of the tree has a name.
A database type is associated with each terminal element (leaf).
A multiple element (array) is followed by the symbol [num] or [] if the number of workstations is unspecified.
An optional element is followed by the symbol *.
An element whose value may be blank is displayed in pale gray.
To call an operation in "message" mode, it is first necessary to create an XML document that conforms to the definition of input parameters; this XML document is then used with the directive *SOAPBODY_MEM or *SOAPBODY_FILE of the WS_CALL instruction.
An example of the message to create can be viewed by selecting Example request from the operation context-sensitive menu.
The list shows each operation's output parameter, if any. Output parameters are indicated by a red arrow.
An output parameter can be either a simple parameter or a complex parameter.
Simple parameters are defined by a basic type and a name.
Complex parameters are defined by a tree defining the structure of the result.
Complex parameters can be queried in 4GL via an XPATH query.
Each element in the tree has a name.
Each "leaf" element has a basic type.
Multiple elements (tables) are followed by the [] symbol.
Any attributes associated with an element are shown in red, and a basic type is assigned accordingly.
- All elements to which a basic type is assigned can be queried via an XPATH query, by means of a WS_GET_VAL instruction (for leaf elements and element attributes).
- All multiple elements can be queried via an XPATH query, using the WS_COUNT_VAL instruction to retrieve the number of occurrences.
Context-sensitive menu
This option, which is available for all elements in the tree list, copies to the clipboard the XPATH syntax that references the relevant element.
Example request
Available for operations only, this option displays an example request - in the form of an XML document - for calling the operation in message mode. In this example, the data values are replaced by a '?' character.
WSDL file
Opens a dialog box displaying the WSDL description file, along with any XML schemas linked to this description file.
Information messages
Opens a dialog box giving details of the current Web service, such as the owning engineer's name and the dates and times the correction was created and last modified.
Opens a dialog box that lets you enter a comment text that will then be associated with the current Web service.
Validates any changes and closes the dialog box.
Closes the dialog box without validating any changes.
Keyboard shortcut: Esc.
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