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This dialog box displays all the data relative to the program's data flow; see the Generate data flow option from the Program menu.


The generation of the data flow can be started at any moment, but will only be completed when all the transactions are defined in the Screen layout manager.



To display or modify the data flow, you must either:

Important note: Any changes to the data flow will be lost if you save the report or transaction from an Adelia layout manager that has been opened before the data flow was modified.




View code associated with the variable.

A context-sensitive menu associated with the list lets you change the codes.

Possible values:


Lets you cancel the data flow for the selected field(s).


Lets you create a data flow with SQL type read instructions.

View codes created in program

When selecting a view code, the default origin of the chosen field(s) is automatically displayed.

Multiple-selection list.


Trs-Fmt (interactive programs)
Fmt (batch programs)

Transaction and format of the field.

This information comes from the Modify a variable of a transaction dialog box in the screen layout Manager or the Modify a Variable of a Report in the Report Layout Manager.



Name of variable fields in the layout.



Name of variable of associated file from which the layout field comes.

A combo box associated with this column, and accessed by right-clicking, enables you to modify the origin.

The list displayed lets you choose a field of origin according to the view code assigned.  

The combo box is not displayed if no view code is assigned to the field.

By choosing Default, the associated file variable can be selected automatically.

The origin cannot be modified if the view code is not filled in, or if it is equal to **.


Associated file

Name of the file associated with the view assigned to the variable.




This button opens a dialog box which is used to display, create or modify the general characteristics of a standard view or of a subfile view, depending on the view assigned to the variable.

This button is only active when a single field is selected, and when a view is associated with this variable.



This button opens a dialog box which is used to work with the program views.



This button opens a dialog box displaying the characteristics of the selected field.

This button is only active when a single field is selected from the list.



This button closes the dialog box.

Keyboard shortcut: Alt+F4.

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