To display or modify the parameters of an AS/400 command used for a generation on the AS/400, click the CRTLF, CRTPF, CRTRPGMOD, CRTPGM, CRTSQLRPGI or CRTSRVPGM, etc., buttons which appear in the object generation dialog boxes.
This command is formed one parameter at a time.
List of the command's parameters.
Click a parameter to select it. Any values associated with the parameter will be displayed in the "Parameter values" list.
Single-selection list.
Parameter values
List of possible values associated with the parameter selected in the "Parameter" list.
If the value list is empty, specify the value directly in the corresponding input field.
Data entry
Parameter values
This is used to specify the value of the selected parameter, when the latter does not have a list of values.
Enter the command text directly without using the entry help features such as "Parameter" and "Parameter values" lists.
When the dialog box is opened, the text associated with the command (whose name is indicated in the title bar) is initialized with the last prompt entered and stored in the database (if it exists) or with a default prompt.
A prompt can be entered in two ways:
by entering text directly in the "Command" field,
by selecting an option in the "Parameter" list, then an item in the "Parameter values" list (it is also possible to enter the parameter value directly in the corresponding field). If this field is cleared, the prompt is deleted.
This button updates the "Command" field text with the selected parameter and its value. If the parameter does not exist in the text, it is added, and if it already exists, its value is replaced.
This button validates the prompt entered in the field which is then stored in the database, then closes the dialog box.
This button closes the dialog box without validating the modifications made.
Keyboard shortcut: Esc.
This button displays the last prompt text stored in the database and cancels any modifications underway.
This button initializes the "Command" field with the command's associated default values.
Note: When the prompt is directly entered in the "Command" field, it is not checked. The inconvenience of this is compensated by greater flexibility allowing for future upgrades of OS/400.
Entry help features are based on version 2.3 of OS/400.
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