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Click here for further information about the work space.



To redefine the size of the dummy space on which the design is traced, you must either:

  • Choose the Work space option from the Options menu of the Conceptual Data Model (CDM).

  • Choose the Work space option from the Options menu of the Screen Sequencing Graph (SSG) for an interactive program or for a program template.

Just modify the width and the height of the space in centimeters or in inches (1 inch = 2.54 cm). The minimizing and maximizing of the work space are performed from the right and from the bottom.


Data entry


The minimum "absolute" size of the work space is 24.97 cm x 17.05 cm, i.e. 9.84 inches x 6.72 inches.

The minimum "relative" size of the work space depends on the coordinates of rightmost and lowest objects drawn on the work space.

Indeed, it will not be possible to minimize the work space beyond the coordinates of the rightmost object, nor beyond the coordinates of the lowest object of the work space.

The maximum size of the work space is 249.60 x 249.60 (cm), i.e. 98.27 x 98.27 (inches).

Default: the default size of the work space is 84 cm x 59 cm, i.e. 33.07 inches x 23.23 inches. This corresponds to 8 pages in A4 format (2 x 4 A4 pages in portrait mode).


Radio buttons


Click the radio button corresponding to the unit of the dimensions expressed.



Modify (validation)

This button validates the modifications made and closes the dialog box.



This button closes the dialog box without validating the modifications made.

Keyboard shortcut: Esc.

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