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This menu provides general options affecting the work space:

  • display/hide the palette,

  • display/hide the pages,

  • work space,

  • colors of the various items of the design.

Display / hide the palette

This option displays or hides the tool palette, depending on whether the palette is currently invisible or visible.


Display / hide the pages

This option displays or removes the page limits which split the work space. Each page displayed on the screen corresponds to the type of page (size and positioning) defined at the level of the printer configuration. The page marks on the screen identify the locations where the design will be cut when it is printed.


Important note: A page displayed on the screen corresponds to a printed page.


Work space

This option changes the size of the dummy space on which the design is drawn.

Indeed, to adjust the size of the work space to the size of the current CDM and to its design, will result in a better display of objects in panoramic scale. The minimizing and maximizing of the work space are performed from the right and from the bottom of the design.



This option defines the colors of the various items of the design. For each item, a standard color and a highlight color can be defined.

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