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Each option of this menu corresponds to an object type involved in a CDM:

  • entity,

  • subtype entity,

  • relationship,

  • property,

  • data type,

  • management rule.

Each one of these options opens a dialog box which is used to work with:

  • the list of repository objects (corresponding to the selected option) which are attached to the current application area;

  • the list of repository objects which can be attached to the current application area (i.e. private objects attached to no particular application area, or public objects).

Click here for a detailed explanation of the Repository dialog box.


Warning: This does not apply to the Data types and Management rules options.


Data type

This option opens a dialog box used to work with the data types available from the current application area.


Management rules

This option opens a dialog box used to work with the management rules available from the current application area.

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