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To display or modify the simulation of the current report, choose the Simulation option from the Report menu of the Report layout manager.



Report formats

List of all the formats used in the current report.

For each format, the code and the guide word are specified.

One or several formats can be selected and placed in the list of simulation formats, by means of the Add button.

Extended-selection list.


Simulation formats

List of all the formats of the current report, selected for the simulation.

To extend this list, use the Add button.

To delete formats from the list, use the Delete or Clear all buttons.

The sequence of formats in the list can be modified.

Single-selection list.


Data entry

You can modify the number of occurrences (from 1 to 99) of a format of the simulation, by selecting this format and by pressing the Modify button.

Enter the number of occurences directly or scroll through the existing values using the arrow buttons.




This button is used to add to the list of simulation formats, the formats selected in the list of report formats.

It is not active when no format is selected in the list of report formats.



This button is used to remove formats selected in the list of simulation formats from this list.

It is not available when no format is selected in the list of report formats.


Clear all

This button is used to delete all the formats from the list of simulation formats.


Modify (validation)

This button validates the modifications made and closes the dialog box.


Important note: To print the simulation, check the User folder box on the Print a program dialog box.



This button closes the dialog box without validating the modifications made.

Keyboard shortcut: Esc.

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