This menu offers all the options for defining or modifying the report.
This option saves the modifications in the database.
If the report has not been verified, a message mentions it and prompts the user to do so before saving.
If errors were detected during the last verification performed, a message mentions it and asks whether to proceed with saving.
Note: All the processing operations of the Layout manager are performed in memory. Thus, the modifications are reflected in the database after saving only. If you exit the Layout manager without saving your work, the database is not modified. In this case, a message reminds you that you did not save and asks for confirmation before quitting without saving.
In Adelia Studio, the creation process of a report is entirely interactive, i.e. it allows all field handlings and modifications on the screen. Therefore, it is important to check that the mandatory consistent rules are complied with, before saving the report.
The Verify option checks the consistency of the operations performed on the report as well as the validity of these operations. The Verification dialog box opens then and displays the list of warnings or of error messages.
Logical entities
This option modifies the access to a logical entity (used by one of its logical properties placed on the report), as well as the data flow of this entity.
This option is not available if no variable was placed on the report.
General characteristics
This option opens a dialog box which is used to modify the general characteristics of the report which have not been defined at the program level.
This option opens a dialog box which is used to prepare a simulation for the current report.
Technical documentation
This option opens the Document Editor which is used to create or modify the technical documentation of a report.
User documentation
This option opens the Document Editor which is used to create or modify the user documentation of a report.
Click here for further information about transactional user documentation.
Printer setup
This option opens a Windows system dialog box which is used to select and configure the printer.
Print the report
This option prints a comprehensive description of the report and of the simulation.
The printed result mentions:
the name of the report and its description;
the number of lines and columns;
the list of formats of the report and their position;
the simulation of the report.
This option closes the Report layout manager.
If the report has not been saved, a message asks for confirmation before quitting without saving. If the report has not been verified, a message mentions it.
Keyboard shortcut: Alt+F4.
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