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This function is used to create a JetStream consumer.


  • Windows client

  • Windows server

  • Java client

  • Java server

  • Adelia Web Client

  • Adelia Cloud client

  • Event Adelia client




Connection ID



Stream name.



Name of consumer (durable). If this parameter is not specified, the created consumer will be ephemeral and will have a name assigned by the system. Input/output parameter.



Consumer parameters in the form of a list of key/value pairs separated by semi-colons.

The accepted options are:

description Consumer description
deliverPolicy Delivery policy (all, last, new, by_start_sequence, by_start_time, last_per_subject)
ackPolicy Acknowledgment policy (none, all, explicit)
replayPolicy Replay policy (original, instant)

Used to assign a name to the consumer.

Must be the same as the "consumerName" parameter value if this is specified. NATS 2.9 or later is required.

deliverSubject Delivery subject
Delivery group

Sample frequency (string)

startTime Start date in the form of an ISO timestamp with time zone (e.g. 2007-12-03T10:15Z or 2007-12-03T11:15+01:00).
ackWait Acknowledgment wait time in milliseconds (0 by default)
idleHeartbeat Idle message wait time in milliseconds (0 by default)
maxExpires Maximum expiration time in milliseconds for a "pull" request (0 by default)
inactiveThreshold Wait time in milliseconds before the consumer is considered inactive (0 by default)
startSequence Consumer start sequence number (0 by default)
maxDeliver Maximum number of messages delivered to the consumer (0 by default)
rateLimit Rate limit in bits per second (0 by default)
maxAckPending Maximum number of pending acknowledgments (0 by default)
maxPullWaiting Maximum number of pending pulls (0 by default)
maxBatch Maximum size of a batch for a pull request (0 by default)
maxBytes Maximum data size (in bytes) for a pull request (0 by default)
numReplicas Maximum number of replicas (0 by default)
flowControl Enables stream control and defines the idle heartbeat time (0 by default).
headersOnly Transmits message headers only. Boolean. By default: false.
memStorage Forces the storage of the consumer's state in memory instead of inheriting the stream configuration. Boolean. By default: false.
backoff List of times in the form of a list of integer numbers separated by commas. Overloads the ackWait parameter.
metadata Consumer metadata List of key/value pairs separated by commas.
filterSubjects List of subjects to filter in the consumer



Function return code. The possible values are provided in NatsLastError function documentation. Output parameter.


CALL_DLL 'NatsToolBx' 'NatsCreateConsumer' Handle 'ORDERS' 'Orders' 'description: order consumption; durable: Orders; ackPolicy: all' Rc

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