This function is used to create a stream (JetStream).
Windows client
Windows server
Java client
Java server
Adelia Web Client
Adelia Cloud client
Event Adelia client
| Handle | Connection ID |
ALPHA | Stream | Stream name |
| Options | List of stream configuration options in the form of a list of key/value pairs separated by semi-colons.
Please see NATS documentation for a detailed explanation of the configuration options.
The accepted options are:
Stream description |
retentionPolicy |
Retention policy (limits, interest, workqueue) |
compressionOption |
Compression option (none, s2) |
storageType |
Storage type (file, memory) |
discardPolicy |
Discard policy (new, old) |
maxConsumers |
Maximum number of associated consumers. Not entered by default (-1). |
maxMsgs |
Maximum number of messages. Not entered by default (-1). |
maxMsgsPerSubject |
Maximum number of messages per subject. Not entered by default (-1). |
maxBytes |
Maximum stream size. Not entered by default (-1). |
maxAge |
Maximum message lifespan in milliseconds. Not entered by default (0). |
maxMsgSize |
Maximum message size. Not entered by default (-1). |
replicas |
Number of stored replicas (from 1 to 5). |
noAck |
Disabling of client acknowledgments, default false boolean. |
duplicateWindow |
Duplicate verification window in milliseconds. Disabled by default (0). |
subjects |
List of flow subjects separated by a comma. |
placement |
Placement directive. List of values separated by commas, made up of a cluster name followed by a list of labels. Not entered by default. |
republish |
Republish configuration. List of key/value pairs separated by commas.
source |
Source subject |
destination |
Destination subject |
headersOnly |
Replicates headers only. |
subjectTransform |
Subject transformation list. List of key/value pairs separated by commas. The key is the source subject name and the value is the destination subject name. |
consumerLimits |
Subject transformation list in the form of a list of key/value pairs separated by commas.
inactiveThreshold |
Time after which the consumer is considered to be inactive (in milliseconds). |
maxAckPending |
Maximum number of pending acknowledgments. |
allowRollup |
Allows roll-up. Boolean, false by default. |
allowDirect |
Allows direct access. Boolean, false by default. |
mirrorDirect |
Allows direct access for mirrors. Boolean, false by default. |
denyDelete |
Prevents message deletion. Boolean, false by default. |
denyPurge |
Prevents messages being purged from the stream. Boolean, false by default. |
discardNewPerSubject |
Defines if the "new" discardPolicy parameter applies to all subjects. By default, it applies only to new subjects. Boolean, false by default. |
metaData |
Stream metadata. List of key/value pairs separated by commas. |
firstSequence |
Sequence number of the first message. Positive integer, by default: 1. |
ALPHA | Mirror | Description of a mirror source in the form of a list of key/value pairs separated by commas. This parameter cannot be specified at the same time as the Sources parameter.
The accepted options are:
name |
Source stream name |
startSeq |
Start sequence number |
startTime |
Start time |
filterSubject |
Subject to filter |
external |
Definition of an external in the form of a list of key/value pairs separated by commas. This parameter cannot be specified at the same time as the domain parameter.
api |
API prefix |
deliver |
Subject deliver |
| Sources | Stream source definition table. The source description is identical to the Mirror parameter. This parameter cannot be specified at the same time as the Mirror parameter. |
NUM_BIN_4 | SourceLength | Length of a source array element |
| NumberSources | Number of elements to include in the Source array. |
NUM_BIN_4 | Rc | Function return code. The possible values are provided in NatsLastError function documentation. Output parameter. |
ALPHA(250) mirror
ALPHA(250) sources(2)
CALL_DLL 'NatsToolBx' 'NatsCreateStream' Handle 'ORDERS' 'description: Order stream; subjects: order.*' *BLANK sources 250 0 Rc
CALL_DLL 'NatsToolBx' 'NatsCreateStream' Handle 'RETURNS' 'description: Return stream; subjects: return.*' *BLANK sources 250 0 Rc
rces(1) = 'name:ORDERS'
rces(2) = 'name:RETURNS'
CALL_DLL 'NatsToolBx' 'NatsCreateStream' Handle 'ARCHIVES' 'description: Order archive' *BLANK sources 250 2 Rc
= 'name:ARCHIVES'
CALL_DLL 'NatsToolBx' 'NatsCreateStream' Handle 'REPORT' 'description: Reporting' mirror sources 250 0 Rc
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