Visual/Web language
- The &HASH and &HASH_FILE predefined functions have been added to return the result when a hashing algorithm is applied to a value or file.
- The &MODULO predefined function has been added to calculate the modulo of a numerator by its divisor.
- The CALL instruction can now be used to call a public procedure by putting its name in a variable.
- In the EXECUTE_HTTP instruction, the --conv-utf8 option is now also authorized in Windows and Java environments. In addition, for "DATA" type data, you can use an IMAGE variable (e.g. containing a JSON or XML document).
To use this functionality at the AS/400 end, the user needs to be at PTF A006 level of the AS/400 part of Adelia Studio 13. - The VaToolBxJavaEncodeURLComponent function has been added to encode the value of an URL's parameter.
- Trace management (Java/Web/Cloud context): The VaToolBxPutMDCLogging, VaToolBxGetMDCLogging, VaToolBxRemoveMDCLogging and VaToolBxClearMDCLogging functions have been added to manage contextual information that can be used in configuration of Log4j.
- Crystal Reports reports: The VaSetJobTitle and VaGetJobTitle functions from VaCrysRT have been added to manage the print job title.
iSeries language
The &HASH and &HASH_FILE predefined functions have been added to return the result when a hashing algorithm is applied to a value or file.
To use this functionality the version of Adelia Studio 13 in the AS/400 section must be PTF A006.The &MODULO predefined function has been added to calculate the modulo of a numerator by its divisor.
The ADD_TRACE instruction has been added to add a trace.
To use this functionality the version of Adelia Studio 13 in the AS/400 section must be PTF A006.
4GL Editor
- Self-completion:
- Self-completed variables are in upper or lower-case, corresponding to their declaration.
- Self-completion manages constants associated with graphic objects.
- Self-completion manages variables declared in XML_IDF.
- Self-completion manages variable names in syntaxes such as &VariableName (e.g. CALL &VAR_PGM ...)
- The description of logic properties and logic entities has been added in the corresponding tooltips (SQL instructions, views, etc.).
- The Find modified lines option highlights lines modified by a designer and/or in a date interval.
Lines corresponding to the search criteria display on a yellow background and can also be accessed by clicking on a yellow bookmark in the bookmark bar.
Miscellaneous Improvements
Visual Adelia Layout Manager: The "Sequencing"; box is no longer a show-stopper. It can therefore be used to select and modify graphic objects.
FRAME object: Addition of the ADJUSTMENT_FRAME property indicating the frame is only used to calculate the adjustment grid and will not be visible at execution.
WINDOW object: The ALLOW_SIZE_MODIFICATION property has been added to modify the size of a window by program, even when the RESIZABILITY property is set to *FALSE.
Windows Visual Adelia Runtime: The Ctrl+Shift+E keyboard shortcut sets the focus on the error message display window.
MENU_BAR Cloud Object: The SET_FOCUS method has been added.
ACCORDION MENU Cloud Object: The ADD_IMAGE_FROM_URL has been added.
Adelia Cloud Configuration : It is now possible to use Java system properties in the Adelia Cloud configuration (wagon.xml file) via the ${VARIABLE} syntax.
It is now possible to indicate Java system properties in the file via the ${VARIABLE} syntax.
The formal parameters box in a program now makes it possible to also see the parameters of its public procedures.
The trace manager ("log4c)") is now available on the AS/400 server sections and for the Adelia iSeries applications.
To use this functionality the version of Adelia Studio 13 in the AS/400 section must be PTF A006.DBTOOL: The data_tablespace and index_tablespace parameters have been added to specify the "tablespaces" where the tables and their indexes will be stored.
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