This file is located in the AWSResources subdirectory of your web application.
Sets the initial number of AJAX requests created in advance for the purpose of running the Web application. Each request is reused once it has been executed. A new request is created if no existing requests are available.
Default value: 5
Sets the maximum time that the system waits for an Adelia Web AJAX event to be executed. This time must not exceed the life of an HTTP session (as specified in the file web.xml).
Default value: 5.
The unit of measurement is the minute.
Defines the rule to follow when two different Adelia Web AJAX events need to be executed simultaneously. Two events are defined as being different if their sources are different Javascript events or graphical controls.
You can choose between two rules:
- Rule 1: Use the browser's default behavior. Each browser is able to handle a different number of simultaneous requests. This number is determined by the SIMULTANEOUS_REQUESTS_NUMBER parameter.
- Rule 2: Serialize concurrent events to prevent them from being executed in parallel on the Web application server. Only one event is executed at a time.
Each rule defines a maximum number of events that can be executed simultaneously on the Web application server (several events with rule 1, only one with rule 2). If any other events must be executed, the browser stores them in a queue (with priority management) so that they can be processed as soon as the current event is finished.
Note: Rule 1 should be used with caution, as it causes processes on the Web application server to run in parallel.
Note: It is possible to specify a particular behavior when two identical events (i.e. with the same graphical control and the same Javascript event source) must be executed. This event property is defined in the html page designer (see the "AJAX parameters" section in Inserting a Button object, for example).
Default value: 2
Sets the number of Adelia Web AJAX events that the browser can send to the Web application server simultaneously.
By default, this parameter is set to 2: the leading browsers are able to support two simultaneous requests in accordance with the version 1.1 of the HTTP specifications issued by the World Wide Web Consortium.
It is possible to increase this number for a browser (refer to the browser provider's technical documentation).
Note: This parameter should be used with caution, as it causes processes on the Web application server to run in parallel.
This parameter is only processed if the SIMULTANEOUS_DIFFERENT_REQUESTS_RULE parameter is set to 1.
Default value: 2
Defines the rule to follow when an Adelia Web AJAX event causes an HTTP error on the Web application server.
You can choose either or both of the following two rules:
- Rule 1: Displays an error message box; see the definition of these messages in the file located in the Web application's AWSResources subdirectory.
- Rule 2: Displays an error page; see the definition of the URL_ERROR_CODE_OTHERS parameter below.
To select more than one rule, simply set the rule numbers, separated by spaces, as the parameter value.
Rules are subject to internal priorities: rule 1 is applied before rule 2.
Default value: 1
Defines the URL (relative to the Web site root) of a page that is displayed when an HTTP error occurs while an Adelia AJAX event is being executed.
If an HTTP error with the number XXX is triggered, and the URL_ERROR_CODE_XXX parameter exists, the value of that parameter is adopted as the URL of the page to be displayed; otherwise the value of the URL_ERROR_CODE_OTHERS parameter is used by default.
These parameters can be assigned the values of the <error-page> node defined in the web.xml file, if it exists.
This redirection mechanism pointing to an error page is only enabled if the RAISING_REQUEST_ERROR_RULE parameter contains the value 2.
Default value: None
A list of the main HTTP error codes is given below:
Code |
Designation |
4xx |
Client error. |
400 |
Bad Request |
Error in the syntax of the request. |
401 |
Unauthorized |
Resource access denied. |
402 |
Payment Required |
Payment required to access the resource (not used). |
403 |
Forbidden |
Request process refusal. |
404 |
Not Found |
Document not found. |
405 |
Method Not Allowed |
Unauthorized request method. |
406 |
Not Acceptable |
All possible responses will be refused. |
407 |
Proxy Authentication Required |
Resource access authorized with a proxy authentication. |
408 |
Request Time-out |
Wait time for server response expired. |
409 |
Conflict |
The request cannot be processed in its current state. |
410 |
Gone |
The resource is unavailable and no redirection address is known. |
411 |
Length Required |
The request length was not specified. |
412 |
Precondition Failed |
Required conditions sent by the request not checked. |
413 |
Request Entity Too Large |
Process stopped because the request is too large. |
414 |
Request-URI Too Long |
URI too long. |
415 |
Unsupported Media Type |
Request format not supported for the given method and resource. |
416 |
Requested range unsatisfiable |
Incorrect "range" request header fields. |
417 |
Expectation failed |
The expected behavior defined in the request header failed. |
422 |
Unprocessable entity |
The entity provided with the request is incomprehensible or incomplete. |
423 |
Locked |
The operation cannot be carried out because the resource is locked. |
424 |
Method failure |
A method of a transaction failed. |
5xx |
Server error |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
Internal server error. |
501 |
Not Implemented |
The required feature is not implemented by the server. |
502 |
Bad Gateway |
Bad response sent to an intermediate server by another server. |
503 |
Service Unavailable |
Service unavailable. |
504 |
Gateway Time-out |
Wait time for response from a server to an intermediate server expired. |
505 |
HTTP Version not supported |
HTTP version not supported by the server. |
507 |
Insufficient storage |
The storage space is insufficient to modify properties or build the collection. |
Sets the default priority of an Adelia AJAX event if this property of the event was not specified when the HTML page layout was designed.
This parameter's value must not be outside the interval [REQUEST_MIN_PRIORITY, REQUEST_MAX_PRIORITY].
Default value: 5
Sets the minimum priority that can be assigned to an Adelia AJAX event in a Web application. The event priority specified when the HTML page layout is designed must not be outside the interval [REQUEST_MIN_PRIORITY, REQUEST_MAX_PRIORITY].
Default value: 10
Sets the maximum priority that can be assigned to an Adelia AJAX event in a Web application. The event priority specified when the HTML page layout is designed must not be outside the interval [REQUEST_MIN_PRIORITY, REQUEST_MAX_PRIORITY].
Default value: 0
Defines a CSS style class assigned to the IFRAME containing the started events indicator. By default, a class is assigned that sets the following attributes:
- border-style:solid;
- border-width:3px;
- border-color:black;
- background-color:white;
If the new class is to overload any of these attributes, its definition MUST be followed by !important.
.myClass { background-color: red !important; }
Sets the position on the browser page of the started events indicator.
Possible values:
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
Default value: 5 (NORTHEAST)
Defines the image displayed by the started events indicator to represent an event that is pending processing. Pending events are only visible if the PROGRESS_INDICATOR_SHOW_ALL_STARTED_REQUEST parameter is set to Y.
The dimensions of this image must match those of the image specified by PROGRESS_INDICATOR_LOADING_IMG.
The default image is a non-animated .GIF.
Default value: /AWSResources/AWSAjaxWait.gif
Defines the image displayed by the started events indicator to represent an event that is currently being processed.
The dimensions of this image must match those of the image specified by PROGRESS_INDICATOR_WAIT_IMG.
The default image is an animated .GIF.
Default value: /AWSResources/AWSAjaxLoading.gif
Specifies whether or not the started events indicator also shows events that are pending processing.
Possible values:
Y |
Yes: pending events are visible, |
N |
No: pending events are not visible. |
Default value: N
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