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This file specifies the Web application's general settings.

It MUST be present in the Web application's context, and is normally located in the Web application's WEB_INF/classes subfolder.


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This optional file is used to configure how Adelia manages call parameter controls for programs called by the CALL or CALL_DLL instruction.

Adelia searches for this file in the Web application's context; it is normally located in the Web application's WEB_INF/classes subfolder.


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Client configuration file (MWCLIENT.INI)

This file contains the Adelia Middleware client configuration settings. It is only used if the Web application's programs were generated in client/server mode. This file's location is given by the following keys:

  • ID_FILE_CONFIG in the file or Middleware session preparer configuration files;
  • FileCfg in the Middleware session pool configuration files.


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Server configuration file (MWSERVER.INI)

This file is only used if the Web application's programs locally generated a server part that uses database accesses. Its purpose is to locate the default database.

This file's location is given by the following keys:

  • ID_FILE_CONFIG_SRV in the file or Middleware session preparer configuration files;
  • FileCfgSrv in the Middleware session pool configuration files.


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This file is only used if the Web application's programs locally generated a server part that uses database accesses. Its purpose is to configure the API that manages database accesses by Adelia's Java runtime.

The location of this file is indicated by the ID_FILE_CONFIG_APIVA key in the file. If the key is missing or if only the file name is indicated, the latter is searched for in the Web application context and is normally in the WEB-INF/classes folder of the web application.



This file is used to set the parameters for SOAP web services consumption.

The location of this file is indicated by the ID_FILE_CONFIG_WEBSERVICES key in the file. If the key is missing or if only the file name is indicated, the latter is searched for in the web application context and is normally in the WEB-INF/classes folder of the web application.


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This optional file is only used by Web applications for its CTRL_LANGUAGE key, which specifies the language (English or French) in which any execution traces are displayed.

Adelia searches for this file in the Web application's context; it is normally located in the Web application's WEB_INF/classes subfolder. or SessionPool_<PoolName>.properties

Configuration files for any Middleware session pools.



Configuration files for any Middleware session preparers.

This file contains the parameters used by the AJAX engine for event processing and HTTP error management, and to determine the appearance of event progress bars.

It is located in the AWSResources subdirectory of the Web application's root directory.


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