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You can place objects in the folder contents from the palette or from the respective element dialog boxes.


When placing objects in the folder contents, the exact location of the objects moved is determined by the shape of the cursor on the target object when the mouse button is released:



The objects are placed before the target object, as "brother" objects (i.e. on the same level in the structure).


The objects are placed after the target object, as "brother" objects (i.e. on the same level in the structure).


If the button is released on a chapter object with the Shift key pressed, the objects are placed inside the target chapter (i.e. on a lower level in the structure).


Specific cases

If the mouse button is released on a blank area, the objects are placed at the end of the folder.


You can name a chapter or file in a folder using the Modify option from the context-sensitive menu attached to the object.


If the object moved is a chapter and if the target object on which the mouse button is released is itself a chapter, the former becomes a subchapter of the latter. You can thus define as many levels as you wish.


When a chapter contains objects, a symbol on the left indicates that:



The chapter is "closed" (only the name is displayed). Clicking the symbol opens the chapter and displays its contents (i.e. all the lower levels attached to this chapter).

The chapter is "open" (which means that its contents is displayed). Clicking this symbol closes the chapter.




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