To open this page, click the Styles-Positions tab in the Object properties dialog box.
Attention: The tabs in this dialog box will vary, depending on the graphical object selected; the tab mentioned is for the Entry field graphical object.
Data entry
X-axis of the graphical object, relative to the window.
If this information is modified, the object will automatically be positioned at its new X coordinate in the window. Conversely, if the object is moved in the window, the new X coordinate will appear in the field.
Y-axis of the graphical object, relative to the window.
If this information is modified, the object will automatically be positioned at its new Y coordinate in the window. Conversely, if the object is moved in the window, the new Y coordinate will appear in the field.
Width of the graphical object.
If this information is modified, the width of the object will automatically be increased or reduced in the window.
Conversely, if the object is moved in the window, the new width will appear in the field.
Height of the graphical object.
If this information is modified, the height of the object will automatically be increased or reduced in the window.
Conversely, if the object is moved in the window, the new height will appear in the field.
Check boxes
Not checked |
The graphical object will not be visible. |
Default: box checked.
Not checked |
The graphical object will not be active, and cannot be placed in focus. |
Default: box checked.
Show input
Not checked |
Each character typed in the object will be shown onscreen by the " * " character. |
Default: box checked.
This check box will not be active if the Multiline check box is checked.
Checked |
The graphical object will be shown surrounded by a sunken border. |
Default: box checked.
Static border
Checked |
The graphical object will be shown surrounded by a border. |
Horizontal scroll
Checked |
A horizontal scroll bar will be shown in the graphical object. |
Vertical scroll
Checked |
A vertical scroll bar will be shown in the graphical object. |
Tab stop
Checked |
Enables the user to place the graphical object in focus by pressing the tab key. |
When executed, the window controls are created in the order specified in the Sequence the controls dialog box.
The user can move from one control to the next using the Tab key if the control has a "Tab stop" property, and if this property is active.
Group beginning
Checked |
Specifies that the graphical object is the first object in a group of graphical objects. |
When executed, the window controls are created in the order specified in the Sequence the controls dialog box, allowing all the controls in the window to be sequenced using the tab key.
The arrow keys can also be used to sequence a series of consecutive control groups. To do so, the control must have the "Group beginning" property, and this must have been activated. The user can cycle from one control to the next using the arrow keys, until reaching the control preceding the one for which this property is also active. The focus will then return to the start control in the group concerned.
Checked |
Enables more than one line of characters to be entered in the graphical object. |
Reverse image
Checked |
Swaps the text and background colors. |
Read only
Checked |
Prevents characters from being entered into the graphical object. |
List of format types for the text in the graphical object.
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