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To modify the order of controls (graphical objects) used with a layout, select the Sequence option from the layout's context-sensitive menu.

The order of the graphical objects determines the order in which graphical controls will be created when the object is executed, and as a result, the sequencing of these controls when the Tab key or arrow keys are used; see the Styles - Positions tab in the Object properties dialog box.


Search filter

This list is used to enter a search expression for filtering the display in the list of objects. For example, the "tab_stop=true" expression will only display objects with a "tab_stop" property with the "true" value. Expression searches are case insensitive.

The "Save filter" option is used to save a standard filter that will then be displayed in the list. A filter can be deleted by selecting the line that displays it and pressing "Del".

Click the  button to apply the current filter and the  button to reset the display.

Object list

A tree structure is used for the conceptual representation of the control sequencing. Each node in the tree corresponds to either a tab or a graphical object containing other objects; each leaf represents a terminal graphical object. The roots of the tree represent the layout.

With graphical object tree elements, you can open the Object properties dialog box:

    • either by double-clicking the object if the element concerned is a sheet ,

    • or by double-clicking the object while holding down the Shift key, in the case of node elements.

Where the element is a tab or window, all the objects in the tab or window can be arranged in order automatically.

You can modify the sequence of controls using the Drag and Drop technique.

Context-sensitive menu associated with a graphical object in the tree diagram list


Opens a dialog box which is used to modify the object's properties.

Automatic sequencing

Arranges all the objects in the window or tab in order, according to their position in the layout.

The sequencing criteria are the object's Y coordinate (from the smallest Y coordinate value to the highest) and X coordinate (also from low to high).

Flashing highlight

Highlight the object by making it flash temporarily.


Highlight all the selected objects in the layout.


Hide the selected objects in the layout.


Restores the display of selected objects by cancelling the highlighting or by redisplaying the hidden objects in the layout.



This button validates any modifications made and closes the dialog box.


This button closes the dialog box without validating any modifications.

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