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(Step 5)


The RAD wizard "Additional entities" tab is used to define the descriptions of the radio button group allowing to limit the program list displayed.

It is visible in the RAD wizard when the scenario "Single entity" has been selected, with one or more of the additional entities defined at the main entity level, and with a template that has the radio button group RAD2_ENL_COMPL (present in the basic templates, but not necessarily in the personalized templates).


Every additional entity must have a description.

In the program built through the RAD wizard, selecting a description in the radio button group will display the records defined in the main entity and in the description-related additional entity.



List of additional entities.

You can use drag and drop to order additional entities. This way, their order will be the same as the order of the descriptions in the radio button group.

The following information is given:


Name of the additional entity.


Description of the radio button that will correspond to the additional entity.




Opens a dialog box to define the RAD wizard's options.



Displays the window used to select the graphical representation or the previous program definition window (when a number of programs are built).




Displays the window for starting the RAD development.

This button is not enabled if any information is missing in one of the tabs. If this is the case, a tooltip indicating the missing information will be displayed when you move the mouse over this button. Moreover, the corresponding field is highlighted with a different background color.



Prompts the user to save the information entered before closing the RAD wizard.

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