To access the RAD (Rapid Application Development) wizard, select an interactive Visual Adelia program from the OBM (Object Manager), then click the SSG/Batch/RAD button.
The wizard contains a number of windows:
- Window presenting information on the program that will be built
- Window for selecting the scenario
- Window for selecting entities
- RAD - Selecting Entities (Primary Entity/Secondary Entity) - "Joins" Tab
- RAD - Selecting Entities (Primary Entity/Secondary Entity) - "Logical Entities" Tab
- RAD - Selecting Entities (Single Entity)
Window for selecting the graphical representation
- RAD - Selecting the Graphical Representation (Primary Entity/Secondary Entity)
- RAD - Selecting the Graphical Representation (Single entity)
- Window for defining the program - "General" tab
- Window for defining the program - "List" tab
- Window for defining the program - "Form" tab
- Window for defining the program - "Additional entities" tab
- Window for starting the RAD development.
- Last window
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