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The programs generated by the RAD wizard are issued from RAD patterns present in your environment.

An RAD pattern is an interactive Visual Adelia program "embryo". It contains 4GL source code and window layouts.

There are two categories of RAD pattern:

  • Basic RAD Patterns (BRP) which correspond to the RAD patterns supplied initially with the product and containing all the bookmarks and RAD objects that can be managed for this family of pattern. BRPs cannot be modified.

  • Personalized RAD Patterns (PRP) which are built from a basic RAD template, then personalized by developers to take account of their development standards.

RAD bookmarks

An RAD template's 4GL source code contains RAD bookmarks in strategic places. These bookmarks are defined by the following instruction:


In the source code of the program generated by the RAD wizard, these instructions are replaced by 4GL source code, specific to each bookmark, enclosed between the following instructions:

BEGIN_STD_RAD BookmarkName

4GL source code generated

END_STD_RAD BookmarkName

Examples of bookmarks:


Generated sources


Declarations of the program's parameters, list loads, views (in native mode), work variables, etc.


Source code for the loading of the program's main list


Source code for managing dynamic paging


Source code for DB validation of input data

RAD objects

Among the objects defined in the layouts of an RAD template, some are used during the RAD development:

  • Objects whose name starts with "RAD1_" are called primary RAD objects. They must not be renamed or deleted, otherwise the template becomes invalid and can no longer be used in the RAD wizard. However, their properties can be modified.
    Examples of primary RAD objects
    : the main window, the list in the templates used to manage a list, etc.

  • Objects whose name starts with "RAD2_" are called secondary RAD objects. They must not be renamed, but they can be deleted. Their properties can be modified.
    Examples of secondary RAD objects
    : the "From" field, the "Exit" button", etc.

  • Objects (referred to as "forms") issued from the RAD_FORM graphical object can be renamed (no naming constraints), deleted and even added. These objects serve to define insertion fields for objects issued from the logical properties defined in the RAD wizard. A template can have a number of forms in different tabs.

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