(Step 3)
This RAD wizard window is used to select the entity and, if appropriate, additional entities for the program's construction. This choice is presented when the scenario selected in the previous window is "Single entity".
List of logical entities
The list presents the application area's logical entities.
A filter above the list can be used to restrict what is displayed.
There is a radio button in front of each entity. Clicking either the button or the entity's name selects it as the entity for the program's RAD development.
If additional entities have been added via the contextual menu, these appear under the entity with a checkbox for each. If the checkbox is checked, the corresponding additional entity is chosen for the program's RAD development.
Context-sensitive menu
Additional entities
Opens a dialog box to select entities in addition to the selected entity.
Opens a dialog box to define the RAD wizard's options.
Displays the previous window, i.e., the choice of scenario.
Displays the window used to select the graphical representation.
This button is only enabled if an entity has been selected.
Prompts the user to save the information entered before closing the RAD wizard.
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