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Depending on how your programs evolve, certain constants extracted from an environment and/or translated can find themselves unattached to any program, if their program has been deleted or moved in the current environment. These constants, which remain present in the Translation manager, become "floating" constants and are hard to spot.

The Reorganize option lets you delete all these constants without a reference and/or translations with no source.



To reorganize the constants, select the Reorganize option from the Constants menu in the Translation manager.


Check boxes

Delete referenceless constants


Any constants whose programs no longer exist or which are the result of an exchange and have no source in the current environment will be deleted.

Default: Not checked.


Delete sourceless translations


Any translations whose program constants no longer exist will be deleted.

Default: Not checked.




Runs the constant deletion operation.

This button is only active when at least one of the two reorganization options is checked.



Closes the dialog box without validating the choices made.

Keyboard shortcut: Esc.


Notes: It is a good idea to perform this operation regularly if the programs in the current environment change frequently (i.e. if they are moved or deleted), as this will delete any unnecessary constants from the Translation manager.

It can, on the other hand, sometimes be useful to keep the translations, even if the programs no longer exist in the environment, in order to facilitate similar translations.

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