The details below are displayed when a "DB2 database" has been selected in the Database manager list of the Restore a database window in the Database management tool.
Data entry
Directory containing the backup image .
This directory must be local, on the server (unless the DB2 server has been specially configured).
Enter the full path or click the "..." button to display a Windows system dialog box that lets you select a directory.
Mandatory entry.
Source database
Select the required backup image from among the various images in the backup directory.
Mandatory selection.
Select the date and time for the backup image you want to restore.
Mandatory selection if the backup directory contains several images of the same database.
Destination database
Name of the database to be restored.
You can select either a new database or an existing one (which will be overwritten).
Mandatory selection.
Disk drive
Disk drive on which the new database will be created.
This list is not active when you are restoring into an existing database.
Check boxes
Display network disk drives
Checked |
Displays any disk drives that are shared over the network. |
Important: We advise against installing a database on a network trunk.
Force restore over existing database
Check this box if you want to overwrite a database already on the server with no confirmation request.
This button opens a Windows system box that lets you select a directory.
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