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The details below are displayed when an Oracle (7 or 8) database has been selected in the Database manager list of the Restore a database window in the Database management tool.


Note: The window is identical for Oracle 7 and Oracle 8 databases.



Destination database

Name of the database to be restored.

You can select either a new database or an existing one (which will be overwritten).

Mandatory selection.


Data entry

Directory (source)

Directory containing the database files.

Enter the full path or click the "..." button to display a Windows system dialog box that lets you select a directory.

This field is completed automatically if you are restoring into an existing database, provided it was created using the Management wizard.

Mandatory entry.


Service (SID)

SID (Oracle version 7.3 or 8.0) or service name (Oracle version 8.1).

This four-letter name uniquely identifies the services associated with the database on the machine.

Mandatory entry if you are restoring into a new database. If not, this field is not active.


Note: We recommend leaving the tool to define the service name (SID) automatically, by checking the relevant box.


Directory (destination)

Directory that is to receive the database files.

Enter the full path or click the "..." button to display a Windows system dialog box that lets you select a directory.

This field is completed automatically if you are restoring into an existing database, provided it was created using the Management wizard.

Mandatory entry.



Database password (Internal users).

Mandatory entry.


Check boxes



The service name (SID) will be defined automatically.


Overwrite the database files

Check this box if you want to overwrite a database already on the server.


Immediate database shutdown

Check this box if you are restoring over an existing database and you want to forcibly disconnect any active sessions using the database.




These buttons open a Windows system dialog box that lets you select a directory.

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