The details below are displayed when an "SQL Server database" has been selected in the Database manager list of the Restore a database window in the Database management tool.
Backup device
Drive containing the backup image .
This device must have been created or registered using Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise Manager® on the server.
The device's full name is displayed for information in the field below.
List of backup images held on the backup unit.
Select the image representing the backup you want to restore.
If you restore into a new database, the restore file names will be calculated automatically.
Click the Details button to display the names of the restored files.
Destination database
Name of the database to be restored.
You can select either a new database or an existing one (which will be overwritten).
Mandatory selection.
Check boxes
Force restore over existing database
Check this box if you want to overwrite a database already on the server with no confirmation request.
This button shows the names of the restored files.
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