To select a conceptual property as the origin of a logical property, select the Change conceptual origin option in the context-sensitive menu (or the equivalent button) in the Logical properties tab of the "Import conceptual properties" dialog box.
This box lets you select a compatible conceptual property in order to change a logical property's conceptual origin.
The compatibility criteria between the logical property and a conceptual property are the same as for the automatic import procedure, except for the name identity.
As all the conceptual properties must be tested, this box may take some time to display if the filter used is not sufficiently restrictive.
Conceptual properties
List of conceptual properties compatible with the selected logical property.
You can use a filter above the list to restrict what is displayed.
Single-selection list.
Changes the logical property's conceptual origin to the selected conceptual property.
Closes the dialog box without validating the change to the current logical property.
Keyboard shortcut: Esc.
Important: If you close the dialog box using the button, the current modification is cancelled, and any remaining selected logical properties are not processed.
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