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To display the logical properties to be imported into the CDM, select the logical entities, then either:

  • Click the Logical properties tab of the Import conceptual properties dialog box.

  • Select the Logical properties option in the context-sensitive menu in the Entities tab of the same dialog box.



Logical properties

The tab displays the selected entities' logical properties, with their name, the name of the logical entity, their conceptual origin and their description.

The letter C precedes the name of any properties that already have a conceptual origin.

By default, this list is shown in alphabetical order of the logical entity names.

You can use a filter above the list to restrict what is displayed.

Multiple-selection list.


Context-sensitive menu

The following options are accessible at all times via the context-sensitive menu.
In addition, there may be buttons to perform the same actions on the right-hand side of the window, depending on the settings in the Create/Modify a software engineer dialog box's Preferences tab.



This option opens a dialog box that displays the definitions of the selected entities.



This option lets you rename the selected property. The new name is entered directly in the list.


Rename selection

This option opens a dialog box that lets you rename all the selected properties by assigning them the same name.

A report shows the result of this procedure.


Note: The properties must belong to different entities.


Change conceptual origin

This option opens a dialog box that lets you manually select the logical property's conceptual origin from a list of compatible conceptual properties.

A report shows the result of this procedure.


Cut conceptual origin

This option lets you cut the selected properties' conceptual origin.


Import properties into CDM

This option opens a dialog box that lets you import the selected logical properties into the CDM.

Only properties that do not have a conceptual origin are processed.

A report shows the result of this procedure.



This option updates the logical property list.

The option is only accessible from the context-sensitive menu.


Check box

Hide properties with conceptual origin

Box checked

Only logical properties that do not have a conceptual origin will be displayed.




Closes the dialog box.

Keyboard shortcut: Esc.

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