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This tool lets you compile a dictionary of conceptual properties based on a logical model, with automatic links to the corresponding logical properties.

This tool only processes purely logical entities and properties.


The import procedure comprises two separate phases:

1. Property name standardization

In this phase, the property names are standardized, so that two properties representing the same information in two different logical entities will have the same name.

Property names can be recalculated automatically or changed manually.

2. Import into the CDM

The conceptual properties and/or the links between logical properties and conceptual properties are created on the basis of the logical properties. The automatic import feature uses the logical property's definition to create a conceptual property with the same name, if it does not already exist, and creates a link between the logical property and the conceptual property.

It is also possible to manually create or modify the link between a logical property and a compatible conceptual property.


The interface takes the form of a window with two tabs, for:

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