To define a substitution operation for an application area's paths, you must either:
Select the Substitute option from the context-sensitive menu of the Paths in the environment dialog box.
Double-click an application area name in the list of the same dialog box.
Displayed data
Application area
Name of the selected application area.
Client object directory
Displayed data
Directory containing the client objects generated for the application area.
Data entry
Substitute directory.
Default: source directory.
Server object directory
Displayed data
Directory containing the server objects generated for the application area.
Data entry
Substitute directory.
Default: source directory.
With both object types, if the Substituted field is blank, no substitution will take place; the program will use the directory in the source field as the generated object directory.
If the source directory is set to *INHERIT, the Substituted field will be disabled. The program will use the directory specified in the repository.
If the Substituted field contains a value, it will be substituted. To cancel the substitution operation, just clear this field.
Substitute (validation)
Validates the information entered and closes the dialog box.
If a substitution operation has been specified, it will be shown in red in the list of the Paths in the environment dialog box (for the selected application area).
Closes the dialog box without validating the information entered.
Keyboard shortcut: Esc.
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