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Once the VADELIA, WADELIA or SADELIA programs have been assigned to an installation, the Installation program creation wizard produces a package containing, among other items, the various files that make up each program.

It locates these files in the generated object directories specified for the programs' application areas, or in the repository if inherited.

If the user wants to specify a different directory, the path must be substituted.



To work with the paths in the environment, select the List option from the Paths menu in the Installation program manager.




List of the application areas in the environment. The generated client object directory and server object directory are specified for each application area. The repository is shown at the top of the list.

Single-selection list.



    •  If an application area inherits the path specified in the repository, the path will be set to *INHERIT. 
    •  Any paths shown in red are substitute values.
    • For Adelia Web Studio installations, the client object directory is the Web site's root directory.


Context-sensitive menus


This option opens a dialog box that lets you define the substitution operation for the selected application area's paths.

This option will not be available if both paths (client and server objects) are set to *INHERIT.




Closes the dialog box and returns to the Installation program manager.

Keyboard shortcut: Esc.

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