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When specifying instructions, the property or file variables (items to be replaced) are prefixed with one or two replacing characters. This prefix has a meaning in the generation of the Operational Processing Model.

The default replacing character is $.

In an Adelia Studio context: the character can be modified in the Miscellaneous tab in the Environment attributes box.

Click below for more information on generating management rules in programs (generation paragraph and the generation point within the paragraph):

Below is an alphabetical list of all management rule classes. For each class, a paragraph specifies the substitution principles for the variables of the management rule text beginning with the replacing character.

The note below concerns the denomination of the substitution variables $$Id and $LogicalProperty used in management rule details, when these variables represent screen or file fields.

The $$Id and $LogicalProperty variables can be written differently in the management rule text.

$$Id can be written in the following way:

  • $$Id

  • $$Id:

  • $$Id:GraphicalPropertyName

$LogicalProperty can be written in the following way:

  • $LogicalProperty

  • $LogicalProperty:

  • $LogicalProperty:GraphicalPropertyName

The screen and file fields replacing the $$Id and $LogicalProperty variables vary, according to the way the $$Id and $LogicalProperty variables are written in the management rule text and according to the program type.

The diagrams below present the various possible scenarios.

In an Adelia program

$$Id and $LogicalProperty are written as follows:



When $$Id or $LogicalProperty are replaced with a screen field, it is the guide word of the screen variable.

When $$Id or $LogicalProperty are replaced with a file field, it is the guide word of the logical property.

In an interactive Visual Adelia

$$Id and $LogicalProperty are written as follows:







When $$Id or $LogicalProperty are replaced with a screen field, it is the name of the graphic object.

When $LogicalProperty is replaced with a file field, it is the guide word of the logical property.

When $$Id: or $LogicalProperty: are replaced with a screen field, it is the name of the variable associated with the graphic object or the name of the value property of the graphic object.

When $LogicalProperty: is replaced with a file field, it is the guide word of the logical property.

When $$Id:GraphicalProperty Name or $LogicalProperty:

GraphicalPropertyName are replaced with a screen field, it is the name of the graphical property of the graphic object.

In this case, the substitution via a file field is not compatible.

In a batch Visual Adelia program

$$Id and $LogicalProperty are written as follows:





When $$Id or $LogicalProperty are replaced with a screen field, it is the guide word of the report variable.

When $LogicalProperty is replaced with a file field, it is the guide word of the logical property.

When $$Id: or $LogicalProperty: are replaced with a screen field, it is the guide word of the report variable.

When $LogicalProperty: is replaced with a file field, it is the guide word of the logical property.

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