Before Creation (CR)
Generation of instructions before the instructions that create the logical entities in the database, when the program is generated using the implicit management rule generation option.
The "creation" event and the "before" trigger point will be incorporated into the trigger modules (Adelia/400's RPG generator).
Before Delete (DE)
Generation of instructions before the instructions that delete the logical entities in the database, when the program is generated using the implicit management rule generation option.
The "delete" event and the "before" trigger point will be incorporated into the trigger modules (Adelia/400's RPG generator).
Before Update (UP)
Generation of instructions before the instructions that udpate the logical entities in the database, when the program is generated using the implicit management rule generation option.
The "update" event and the "before" trigger point will be incorporated into the trigger modules (Adelia/400's RPG generator).
Begin Initialization (BI)
Generation of instructions at the beginning of the INITIALIZATION section.
Begin Program (BP)
Generation of instructions at the beginning of the program.
Begin Softkey (BS)
Generation of instructions at the beginning of the SFTKYS_PROCESS section.
Begin Transaction (BT)
Generation of instructions at the beginning of the TRANSACTION section.
Begin Validation (BV)
Generation of instructions at the beginning of the VALIDATION section.
Begin Verification (BC)
Generation of instructions at the beginning of the VERIFICATION section.
Calculation (CA)
Generation of instructions in INITIALIZATION and VERIFICATION sections, for all properties, whatever their use.
Control (CT)
Generation of instructions in the VERIFICATION section, for Input or Input/Output properties only.
End Initialization (EI)
Generation of instructions at the end of the INITIALIZATION section.
End Program (EP)
Generation of instructions at the end of the program.
End Softkey (ES)
Generation of instructions at the end of the SFTKYS_PROCESS section.
End Transaction (ET)
Generation of instructions at the end of the TRANSACTION section.
End Validation (EV)
Generation of instructions at the end of the VALIDATION section.
End Verification (EC)
Generation of instructions at the end of the VERIFICATION section.
Initialize Entity (IE)
Generation of instructions in the INITIALIZATION section for the logical entities, between the read instructions ("CHAIN" or "MANAGE_SFL") and the load instruction ("PRESENT").
Initialize Property (IP)
Generation of instructions in the INITIALIZATION section, after the load view instruction ("PRESENT"), for all properties, whatever their use.
Parameter (PM)
Generation of instructions at the place the rule is invoked.
Prompt (PR)
Generation of instructions in the SFTKYS_PROCESS section, for Input or Input/Output properties only.
Read (RE)
Generation of instructions after the instructions reading the logical entities in the database ("READ", "MANAGE_SFL", "PLACE", "CHAIN", etc.), when the program is generated using the implicit management rule generation option.
Softkey (SK)
Generation of instructions in the SFTKYS_PROCESS section for all properties, whatever their use.
Validate Entity (VE)
Generation of instructions in the VALIDATION section between the unload ("PLACE") and update ("CLASSIFY") instructions, for update logical entities only.
Validate Property (VP)
Generation of instructions in the VALIDATION section before the "STORE" or "PLACE" instructions, for the properties whose associated entity is updated.
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